/r/conservatives drama, as told by me, a former mod of the subreddit.

28  2013-10-12 by Darth_Reagan

Remember the upheaval of mods that was put in process by freshbrewedcoffee about a month ago on /r/conservative? Yeah, he triggered the same process in /r/conservatives.

Around the time that fbc left /r/conservative, he decided to add a few liberals to the mod list on /r/conservatives, and later on, he decided to add some conservatives as well. fbc then later decided that he no longer wanted to be top mod, and promoted /u/keypuncher to the top of the list. This is where the fun begins.

keypuncher, now the top mod with the power to do as he wished, began removing all liberal mods, mainly because they were liberals, and not based on how they contributed to the subreddit, nor how they actually moderated. At the time, I was one of the few mods actually contributing. I'd delete troll posts, add the image and sidebar headers, and communicate with other mods via modmail on suggestions on how to improve the subreddit.

I protested my removal, then was added back shortly after. THEN I found out another liberal moderator was removed soley for being liberal, and a quick review of keypuncher's comments made me realize the guy was a hardcore conservative with slanted views, and I realized he was a terrible pick for top mod. From there, I kind of didn't give a fuck anymore, and I defaced the subreddit with an Obama sidebar pic and an My Little Pony header before removing myself as a mod.

Later on, I felt terrible for defacing the sub, so I deleted my account with the intention of just lurking Reddit for the rest of the site's existence to avoid drama, but the urge to upvote and comment was too strong.

/r/conservatives claims to be the "minimally moderated alternative to /r/conservative".

It was when the mod team was working as one towards that goal, until keypuncher was put in control and the subreddit became as irrelevant as ever.

EDIT: I was known as Da_bulls23