For the love of the Drama Gods, please don't post Reddit drama here unless it's actually worth reading. [Rule Changes Within]

0  2013-10-21 by [deleted]

/r/Drama has operated for over a year now on the basis that we appreciate real drama that actually affects the lives of real people.

With that said...

Is a powermod being a dick?

Is an admin being dick?

Is someone notable being a dick?

If so, post it here! If not, then post it to SRD, because we don't care.

/r/Drama wants to know about happenings that actuallty affect the lives of notable/newsworthy people, or communities both onsite, and offsite.

NO more onsite boring slapfight bullshit, we want the offsite real shit.

/r/Drama is not a replacement for Subredditdrama As terrible as SRD may be.

Please stop posting boring onsite arguments between people that don't matter. That's for SRD.

Please do post arguments you discover on FB, Twitter, Tumblr, anywhere other than Reddit, because that is what /r/drama is for - offsite drama.

Also Rule changes: We are not concerned with language, in any way. Ironically, all sidebar rules apply. If you are banned, please mail the moderators, as your ban may be overturned via moderator discussion.

Have a wonderful day! And happy drama searching!

Also, Also, we will be slightly altering our CSS as per community feedback. Don't expect any miracles, as it is impossible to please everyone, but we will be making [slight] changes as per user feedback so as to make our CSS more user friendly.

Please keep in mind that our CSS is fabulous and if you have a problem with it, you are welcome to engage us in non-stupid discourse about it. Have a great day!

If you are very active in the internet-drama-sphere, please message us for moderatorship if you wish.

We here at /r/drama hate to sound rude, but we are merely asking that you only post offsite drama here, unless it is very notable onsite drama.

Thank you.