The most interesting reasoning for being banned I've ever received

33  2014-06-11 by marco262

About a month ago, I was banned from /r/Christian. This was surprising to me, as I do my best to stay within the spirit of the discussion of posts in the Christian subreddits, i.e. Being respectful and courteous of other users, even if sometimes we express our disagreement very bluntly.

The message I got from the mod about why I was banned still floors me, and I occasionally go back to it if I need a good laugh. For your enjoyment, it's quoted below. If you're interested in reading the original comment that (I think) lead to the banning, you can see it here.

Hi, I just banned you from r/Christian. You ignored the rules in the sidebar and just had to engage in rather hilariously bold and weird denial about the subject of silencing Christians. It's only been a recurring part of Western history since the French Revolution. Would I even need to tell you all of the events I'm referring to? Seriously? How does the zeitgeist cause you to remove from the context of history what is happening now in the West?

So, since you are willing to ignore the rules of the subreddit and comment to flat-out deny or warp this or that part of history and play on the emotions of people who buy into "politically correct", skewed ideas of fairness or who wish to be more acceptable to hipsters, then you are banned.

I used to be agnostic and liberal. I jumped ship when I saw just how many people on the Left are basically fake. Reddit is a great sampling - full of prejudiced (racist, sexist) Leftists who say the right things at the right times to seem anti-racist, anti-sexist, reasonable, open-minded, and "tolerant". Yet, when they feel they are simply among their own kind, they feel just fine being openly prejudiced and discriminatory, irrational and okay with it, close-minded, hysterically biased, and intolerant. Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. The idea that the Left welcomes diversity is a joke.

So, while you may try and act like this is an outrage because you're "trying to help" or "trying to foster dialogue" or some other obfuscation, I am not likely to buy it, and instead I will apply to you what histrionic progressives are now using to attack others: the idea of microaggression.

Okay, I'm just joking because that insane idea is stupid, but if we applied that insane idea to your comment and your interesting post from xkcd which ended in mild snark, that's more than enough to go full-on Progressive PC-Police Stazi and ban you according to progressives' terms.

Not that I care, mind you. His reddit is the redheaded step-child of the Christian subreddits, and being banned from it is like being banned from that ratty bar down the street that always smells like urine and only sells Bud Light. No big loss.

Edit: Link to my a screenshot of my comment, as I didn't realize it had been deleted. Or maybe messages are automatically deleted when someone gets banned?