Who is both lame and a tool? Why /u/agentlame co-creator of toolbox, that's who.

12  2014-07-26 by billyup

a couple days ago /u/agentlame decides to accuse the mods at /r/GunsAreCool of brigading a thread which the users involved had already commented before /u/agentlame, found the post on their own, or were called there. None of the mods accused have been shadowbanned after his accusations.

I not being one to mince words with mr. lame decided to give him an entertaining evening, and have a little funs myself.

The Bait.


Notice how he lies about me mentioning /r/TheTruthAboutGums in my PM. k.

AL hates when people he doesn't like use toolbox.

I use it everyday.

Needless to say, /u/Agentlame gets away with a lot of shit, likely because of toolbox. creesch is still cool.