DC Parents Drama over School Boundary Changes. Forum's Sole Moderator Joins In

12  2014-09-02 by Burn-Account

Anyway, DC Public Schools recently announced some boundary changes that are controversial-at-best. Some background here.

Importent facts (Just so you can understand):

-Deal and Wilson are the best middle/high schools in DC, located in a well-off part of the city (West of the Park).

-Crestwood is a well-off neighborhood East of the park that has, for a long time, been feeding into Deal/Wilson.

-Roosevelt is an nonperforming and under-enrolled public high school that is fairly close to Crestwood, but in a much worse neighborhood.

-DC Urban Moms is like the butt of the DC internet scene. A lot of wealthy parents (and quite a few anonymous trolls) make a shitload of drama everyday. Often about the fact minorities go to their neighborhood/ DC sucks.

The drama is spread out over quite a few threads. Here you go.

Some basic info on the boundaries. Low drama

Who thinks its not that bad, obvious drama

Potential Mayor weighs in...

Other then Crestwood, what do you think... Becomes about Crestwood

Most recent thread. Likely will blow out of control soon

Also, as a note, "jsteele/Jeff" is the moderator of the forum.