Geordie Tait goes nuclear in his #GamerGate Ragequit.

50  2014-11-12 by TheCodexx

Saw this over on KiA and I thought I'd repost here.

Geordie Tate has a massive breakdown, spewing hate in all directions. Ever wanted to see what a real misogynist and racist looks like? Here it is. Willing to "die" for his beliefs, which he will absolutely never rethink nor back down on. Never. Nope.

The best part? He's mad that some site deleted his author page... without realizing they deleted everyone's page and switched to a new author tracking system. He went nuclear over literally nothing.

The scary part is that the article was Liked by Cate Gary, a Senior Editor at Blizzard, and Amber Okamura, Lead Artist of Storm8 (which to be fair is some mobile developer I've never heard of). Also, check out that egotistical "hope some of you guys are pushed to comment by this!" comment, and the douchetastic Liking of his own post.

GamerGate is trying to move past the drama and focus on uncovering further ethical breaches, but this drama was a bit too tasty to resist. It has to be one of the most hilarious things I've read all year. It's got it all. Rampant hypocrisy, hate and bigotry disguised as progressivism, you name it, this post has it.