Laurelais_Hygiene throws a man baby temper tantrum because people agree with not-fucked-up people instead of him (boo hoo) [Gossip]

0  2015-02-13 by [deleted]

So this entire "SJW metacancer cabal" idiocy that has sweeped the unmedicated portion of reddit's userbase has caused quite the jollies, but gee, it wasn't until someone wrote a post about me and my affiliation with r/portland that I truly understood how hilarious it was!

Enter this piece of joy.


Ex-Kia (Ghazi coward) mod and long time SJW concern troll /u/Discord_Dancing[1] is a known metacancer, and they are starting to flex their SJW banhammer in the most typical SJW metacancer way imaginable. We are all familiar with the censoring and language/thought policing that SJWs exert over their subreddits, and non-political subreddits like r/Portland are no exception. Here is Discord_Dancing shamelessly announcing that certain "naughty" words are automatically removed, and banned.[2] Notice that when asked what words are censored, D_D refuses to say because "people will use variations." Numerous comments are automatically removed on a daily basis for containing "naughty" words, no one has any idea what that list of words entails, and any discussion about it is impossible because the only way to have a discussion about it is to know the full list is. Screenshot in case of deletion[3] . This brings us to a well known tactic of metacancer moderators - nebulous rules. Notice D_D states that certain words are banned because "Our #1 rule is to be excellent to each other and saying those words is not being excellent." What does that rule even really mean? It is so broad and general that it can be used to justify banning anyone for almost anything. It also means that literally any word described as negative can be completely removed from a subreddit if it seen fit by the metacancer mod. This is a tactic seen all too often in other subreddits taken over by metacancer such as SRD, and CreepyPMs. Is there any way to curb this?

Here is the link to everyone realizing that everything in their life is a lie.

Such cancer.

So, L_H, afraid of any dissent, (ironically) deleted all mention of any of it. SJW cabal much?