Spam Wars on YourWorldOfText
15 2015-02-20 by [deleted]
There is this fantastic website where visitors can anonymously type on an unbounded grid of text with strangers. The site has received much attention from Reddit and 4chan, thus you can imagine that it has become a popular target for spam and griefing.
Recently, a group as arisen that calls themselves the Anti Spam Group (~asg). The webmaster has decided to not attempt to remove the site of griefers himself and thus ASG's goal it to take the initiative to purge the site of spam.
Although it was a nice idea, most of ASG's activities have involved wiping out all text near the center of the home world. This region is a popular place for users to hold conversations, thus ASG has been wiping out many conversations in the process. This has caused several members to view ASG itself as a spam-creating group.
This dynamic has lead to a situation where some members threaten to continue to spam until ASG ceases erasing, ultimately ending in a deadlock between the warring parties.
Update: ASG has now declared "war" on a user known as Admiral Egg. It seems to appear that they are under the impression that he is the only user trying to fight them. The center coordinates of the home are virtually unusable at the moment due to this slap fight. This type of stand off pops up every once in a while on YWOT and usually lasts for around a week.
Update: ASG member ~bruno contacted the member ~asg and now suspects that another ASG member, ~ancientcraft is responsible for spamming the home world with banners. These banners attack Admiral Egg and endorse support for ASG in the "spam war". It is now in question whether or not ASG will decide to discontinue the banners and how much all of ASG's members agree on such issues.
Update: Spam wars are over. ASG does not appear to have had any responsibility in the incident. The major members involved with the spamming were never really determined.