Major Nelson announces that XBox Live multiplayer will be free for Windows 10 users. XBox users explode.

38  2015-03-07 by Gamiac

PCWorld article.

Full Twitter thread.

For the three of you who don't know what I'm talking about, XBox Live is a subscription service for the XBox 360 and XBox One that you have to pay for if you want to use your internet connection to play online multiplayer. Sound stupid?

Well, as it turns out, Microsoft has been busy integrating XBL into Windows 10, and people began to worry that this integration would cause W10 to require a subscription for online multiplayer.

At least, until Larry Hryb, aka Major Nelson, Director of Programming for XBox Live, tweeted that XBL multiplayer will be free on Windows 10:


Xbox Live coming to Windows 10 sounds so gross. Do I need to pay for it? What is this?


Not charging. Xbox Live Gold will not be required for online multiplayer gaming using our service on Windows 10 PCs and Phones

Cue outrage from users crying "BETRAYAL!!1" at Microsoft realizing that you can't make people pay for stuff that's already free elsewhere:


@PNF4LYFE @majornelson @haydencd looks like PC elitist will now have our gamerscore, our 1st party and our online... For free at that! Lol


@majornelson @PNF4LYFE I agree with @BuckGamer don't think its justifiable Xbox gamers paying a sub while PC will get everything Free


@majornelson seems like a slap to the face to us Xbox gamers....

Meanwhile, some question why they're paying to use the Internet they already pay for...


@majornelson @PNF4LYFE @haydencd Why XO users must pay por MP gaming? We pay most expensive games and MP gaming but they no? Is not logic.


@majornelson they'll be playing the same game as us online. but we're paying and not them?. at least permanently lower the price of Gold

And still others offer an alternative perspective.


@SnoopyG7 @majornelson because the PC doesn't NEED it. We're happy as we are. In fact, most of us couldn't care less about XBL.


@twiztidjugal0 @majornelson @PNF4LYFE @BuckGamer PC Gamers will never pay for XBL because we have similiar services for free.


@twiztidjugal0 @majornelson @PNF4LYFE @BuckGamer It's not justifiable that you have to pay to play online in the first place. #pcmasterrace

Someone gets confused about whether Origin, EA's version of Steam, is a server or a program:


@OxKaiser197 @majornelson @haydencd ea handles those servers called orgin next question


@PNF4LYFE @OxKaiser197 @majornelson @haydencd origin is a program, not a server FYI.

And, of course, no PC vs Console drama would be complete without PC gamers being accused of being dirty, dirty pirates.


@Techpaste @PNF4LYFE @OxKaiser197 @majornelson @haydencd free is cheap since most pc gamers dont really buy games but torrent them


@igame4games @Techpaste @OxKaiser197 @majornelson @haydencd he thinks gears 4 gerrinf getting pirated hahahah Larry laugh with us hahahahah

What do you think? Personally, I think it's amazing how incoherent certain people in the thread are. I could barely understand what some of them were saying. It's pretty hilarious regardless.

edit: small fixes to formatting, one tweet wasn't double-quoted where it should have been, first paragraph broken up for clarity