Small City Restaurant Drama

25  2015-03-25 by burnaccount2001

I was in a restaurant yesterday. Some lady was nursing her infant in public, but wasn't being very discreet or respectful about it. A few tables complained so a manager went over and asked her to politely cover up. She freaked out and started yelling that her human rights were being violated and that she was being told to stop breast feeding (not true).

This woman looked like your typical hippy chick (two other kids in tow left to terrorize the restaurant). Manager apologizes, pays for her meal, but she posts it on her Facebook and goes to the press as well as the Human Rights Commission.

Facebook gets brigaded; lots of one star reviews and even gets herself a spot on the local news. Looks like she showered for that interview though.

Full Disclosure - I'm friends with one of the servers (not THE server) and frequent the restaurant hence the burn account.

Edit - Just removed the part about the showering. I don't have any proof of that and it's mean.