An article comes out on the "most toxic subreddits" on reddit. I'm sure all of the responses to the list will be civil.

51  2015-03-26 by [deleted]

It all started when Toxicity in reddit communities: a journey to the darkest depths of the interwebs came out last week. The author made up some algorithm that calculated both subreddit toxicity and bigotry (you can read all his fine details yourself).

Some of the most extreme for most toxic included:

  • SRS
  • opieandanthony
  • SRD
  • justneckbeardthings
  • Atheism
  • cringepics
  • TIA
  • news

The big "chunk" of the curve for most bigoted has:

  • The red pill
  • Opieandanthony
  • Atheism
  • Sex
  • Justneckbeardthings
  • SRS
  • TIA
  • 4chan
  • SRD

And then slowly swoops down from there.

The comments on that article alone are mostly people bickering over the true definition of some subreddits, who is right and wrong, etc. Worth the skim.

Now how does reddit react??

Somebody made an algorithm to find the most toxic subreddits... And it rated /r/hockey as one of the most bigoted. Whos racist here boys? - a huge thread, but not the worst, if you sort by controversial you'll see a lot of grumbling, mostly "shocker of course this subreddit" is bad type comments

Feminists around the world are in mourning today as /r/TheRedPill fails to make "most toxic" subreddit list

They gave us an honorable mention at the end though. #1 for "bigotry". Yay!

/r/atheism one of the most toxic subreddits? Just one of many threads to come out of it, 0 points. Apparently the atheist subscribers found flaws in the author's math though and so very much disagree with the idea that they are toxic. The first thread

A large thread on TrueReddit discussing the merits of this article

Purple pill responds to TRP as #1 bigoted

Scrolling through all the responses is a fun time. A mix of people agreeing or bitterly angry/against the article, depending on what subreddits they subscribe to. Sorting by controversial is always a fun time, and searching "most toxic subreddits" on reddit right now brings up a lot of threads.

Also, unless I scrolled past it, /r/drama did not make either list