[IRL] Baltimore Riots

23  2015-04-28 by Byrnhildr_Sedai

As some of you know, Baltimore had some protest over Freddie Gray's death.

It has certainly escalated. Gray was found dead after being arrested, his spine severed, causing protests. These protests got out of hand very quickly, with people yesterday being grabbed, beaten, robbed, stores looted, bottles thrown. Leaders of the black community have denounced the rioters, calling them "thugs." (I am looking for a decent confirmation of this, so take it with salt for now.)

Rioters and police clash.

Students Walk out of classes

The Bloods and Crips appear to be joining forces against the cops.

There is a CVS on fire, already.

The Governor has activated the guard, and declared a curfew. [1]

This is going to boil up pretty hard over the next few days. Tonight will be the first wave, with it escalating tomorrow. I predict it will be the worst on Wednesday night, when people get sick of the guard being there. Course, that's speculation my part. This will be worse then Ferguson.

Supposed Police Scanner, still no confirmation on it.

On a slightly more chipper news, one of the rioters appears to have been slapped by his mother. If you watch this link, [you might see members of the clergy trying to calm people down and defuse it.]((http://www.wbaltv.com/\))

If this is too serious/political/over covered/etc for the mods I will have no qualms if the Gods mods want to nuke it.