What about SRS?
0 2015-08-06 by BestOfOutrageCulture
Why hasn't SRS also been banned?
It seems like so many agree, spez better have an answer for this:
> /r/ShitRedditSays is racist and sexist crap. They are explicitly and proudly anti-straight-white-male. Why haven't they been banned yet?
> SRS and the likes are smart about it and talk about doxxing, ruining peoples lives and taking over reddit using their private chats, not on their subreddits.
> but not /r/shitredditsays? Not /r/AgainstMensRights? Hateful, bigoted communities that actually do invade other subs? Apparently only certain types of bigotry and brigading aren't tolerated here.
> Whether or not you appreciate SRS as some sort of satire, it is hateful. Maybe it's hateful as a joke, but it's still hateful.
> srs probably have more hate and spite in their hearts than ct tbh
> Not at all, but that's my point. The hate of SRS has caused additional hateful communities in response.
> SRS needs to go.
> Because if he did that, SRS, SRD, feminism, etc would have to go because they're racist as hell against "cisgendered white men"
> Then shouldn't we be asking the question what Coon town did too harass other users? They were banned for being racist, which if you read srs you'll know that they are racist as well unless you roll with the definition of power + prejudice = racism.
> srs is actually a small group of extremely active hate speech advocates. Just because they're relatively small doesn't mean they don't shitpost at 3x the rate of plenty of larger subs.
> Well technically some of Reddit wanted coontown. Maybe not the company but some users. Also, I've never seen coontown leaking into other subreddits but SRS by definition is a subreddit that fucks with other subreddits. Almost nobody likes it and they brigade and doxx users yet continue to exist because they aren't racists.
> Hate Speech is the foundation of SRS/SRD
> SRS is just as much a hate group like /r/coontown was. There is just as much hate-speech going on like in /r/coontown was.
> What about the fact that SRS to their very core are as Toxic a community as Coontown?
> SRS and its affiliates is by far one of the most racist and sexist networks on Reddit. So it would be a net positive to remove this kind of cancer. Source
> Maybe not as strongly on any individual post, but the overall vitriol and toxicity, yes.
> I question your understanding of SRS when you connect them only with brigading. Have you looked at their subreddit title? 'Chill All Men'. As a male, I'm concerned by subreddits which suggest I should be killed.
> banned a disgusting hive of racism?
> SRS is worse than Coontown. Coontown was largely self contained. They didn't brigade other subs. They kept to themselves.
> Or SRS are simply hypocrites. They are just as hateful and bigoted as the groups they criticize, but towards different targets.
> SRS has caused people to kill themselves... They doxx people and ruin their lives because they said mean things on the internet lol... Yeah totally an okay subreddit.
> SRS is blatant hate...
> You're right, SRS is worse as they actually do things to people IRL. Neo-nazis just march around and drive up the price of WWII-vintage k98s.
> Do you honestly expect them to ever touch that sub? SRS is the correct kind of hate.
> Except it was proven that SRS is the most toxic sub on the whole site:
> SRS is a hate group as much as any of the other subs that are getting banned wantonly by the reddit admins. Just because they hide behind a facade of "Social Justice" doesn't mean they're actually good people. They're just typical SJWs trying to find new ways to be professional victims. They're the cancer that is slowly taking over reddit.
> I think it's pretty clear that SRS is a cancer on the community and needs to go. It ABSOLUTELY prevents many people from being able to enjoy Reddit. The brigade of downvotes they bring makes people afraid to say what they want. Every day you allow that sub to exist, you're showing how hypocritical you are. That you are making arbitrary decisions on what subs get banned based on nothing more than your personal preference.
> /r/ShitRedditSays not only is considered extremely offensive by the average redditor, but it also makes us feel unsafe, and they constantly harass people, doxx, and brigade.
> They link to our posts, then they vote brigade them, insult us and follow us around the site. If that does not prevent people from having authentic conversation in this site then I don't know what does.
> It's absurd. /r/shitredditsays has been THE primary harasser in reddit's history. Can anyone honestly name a sub currently in existence that has had a bigger history of harassment than SRS?
> If Reddit wants to ban discriminatory subreddits then it needs to ban ALL of them and not just a few that target specific minorities. So if they decide that the rules cover the banning of /r/coontown for discriminating against blacks they should also ban /r/ShitRedditSays for discriminating against men and /r/TheRedPill for discriminating against women. Either you ban all of them or you keep all of them, no middle ground here imho.
> They generally did a good job staying in their own subreddit and no bothering people. /r//shitredditsays however spends all it's time harassing and doxing people. Everyone knows this. Why won't you ban them?
> so why does /r/shitredditsays exist? They are the most toxic brigading community here! Is that because they suit your agenda? Just go visit their sub its literally the toxic pool of hate.
> If you're going to ban that hate-reddit, you have to ban ALL the hate-reddits, like /r/againstmensrights & /r/shitredditsays. Otherwise you're just picking and choosing when to enforce your rules.
> Yet, I see the anti-white hate of /r/blackladies is still around, and the constantly harassing and brigading /r/shitredditsays is still around. Nice way to cherrypick your "hate", isn't it?
> Honest question, why is /r/shitredditsays allowed to organize downvote brigades and with death upon men, spewing nothing but senseless hatred, and nobody cares?