After meltdown and no-confidence vote, Jackrosseau deletes his account

63  2015-09-07 by MagicalLaundromat

Sequence of events

  • Background: Jackrosseau is a fanatic who spent 90% of his time jacking off in SRD by finding the most extreme social-justicey position he can imagine and barfing it all over the place. He probably averaged a comment per post there over the last few months.

    Like most social justicites, he realizes even the fucking nutcases at /anarchism will never go for his ideas without being brainwashed during their formative years by a constant stream of propaganda, so his MO is not to convince people, but to control what others say through pressure or power, which are achieved through lots of lies (playing off oneself as fair minded, pluralistic, etc).

  • To this end, he has wormed his way into a mod position at /anarchism and /metanarchism and over the past few months has been trying to weasel /metanarchism to give him more lattitude to delete anything and everything he regards as not social justicey enough.

  • Frustrated that people see through his paternalistic and oh-so-neutral tone as the manipulative ploy it is. Jack begins unilaterally changing rules and deleting comments on /anarchism , and when forced into the sunlight sells it as a democratic decision due to his supposed openness to feedback, he then proceeds to shout down critics in the thread. Now it's /anarchism's turn to point out his annoying paternalistic tone.

  • Sept. 6, 5pm his options exhausted, Jack takes off the mask for once and tells metanarchism to go fuck itself (this is the archive version, he edited the original fifteen hours ago, or roughly seven hours after a petition to demod him started gaining traction).

  • As the petition to demod him from /anarchism picks up steam, he frantically shitposts, including throwing the mob a bone by graciously stepping down from /metanarchism after he told the users to go fuck themselves. Those posts have since been deleted - either by Jack or a /metanarchism mod.

  • Sept. 6, midnight, once he sees the petition to demod him from /anarchism will inevitably pass if it continues as so, he edits the fuck you post. Looks like Jack does care what metanarchism thinks after all.

  • Sep. 7 around noon, facing an inevitable return to serfdom, all his schemes going agley, Jack deletes his account