Official Drama/ Papercraft/ Origami ideological survey results!

21  2015-09-12 by kaalaaaa

There were 135 responses, so thank you all. Since there was too much shitposting and not everything fits into one thread, there are many links.

Overall /r/Drama is a sausage fest of atheistic singles in their twenties. /r/Drama likes /r/Drama and the controversial subreddits, dislikes the /r/TheRedPill and /r/ShitRedditSays. More below:

You could skip questions, this is why the total of individual questions is lower than the total number of responses.

Do you consider /r/Drama to be?

Chaotic Neutral

Which mods do you like?

The winner is /u/unclesamuel, runner ups are /u/justcool393 and /u/discord_dancing. Full stats.

Which mods do you dislike?

Unsurprisingly /u/BestOfOutrageCulture takes it before /u/_lilpoundcake and /u/geraldo42. Full stats.

Do you miss /u/irbytremor?

Not really.

Which of these /r/drama regulars do you like?

/u/comedicsans takes it just before /u/Assy-McGee and /u/archangelledovakin. Full list.

Nine people think they all suck; seven like them self.

Who else should moderate /r/Drama?

The winner is "me" with 15 votes, follow ups are "no one" and /u/ejkp with six votes each. The full list can be found here.

Does /r/Drama need more rules?


/r/Drama or /r/subredditdrama? What do you like better?


People who prefer /r/SubredditDrama also really like feminism.

Which of these drama subs, besides the big two, do you visit?

/r/ThePopcornStand and /r/SubredditDramaDrama apparently. Full stats can be found here.

Should the controversial subreddits have been banned?


Opinion on /r/shitredditsays and the Fempire in general?

They suck, but /r/Drama doesn't really care.

What do you think about /r/subredditcancer?


Is reddit left or right wing?

Politically diverse left.

How long do you browse reddit?

For too long.

What is your favorite non-meta sub?

/r/nfl takes it with six votes, /r/TumblrInAction got four votes and /r/spacedicks three. The full list can be found here.

Who was the best of the last three reddit CEOs?

Who cares.

Do you ever talk about reddit in real life?


How old are you?

Too old.


This surprised me.

Out of the twelve women, three support Gamergate and six are single.



Relationship status?

No gf.

Are you religious or enlighted by your own intelligence?


Are you pro or anti Social Justice?

In the middle.

What is your opinion on feminism?

A bit of feminism.

Is rape-culture real?

Not really.

Do you support Gamergate?


Are you redpilled? Do you believe in the /r/theredpill philosophy?

Just one lonely redpiller who also picked /r/TheRedPill as his favorite sub.

Is racism still a big issue in modern society?

Yeah, to some degree.

Was 9/11 an inside job?


Which of these forums do you visit regulary?


Link to the list of other mentioned websites.

Do you unironically like memes?


Does this survey suck?


You can use this box to vent about this survey or write an essay on /r/drama.

This was probably the best thing about this survey, but there were far too many responses to include them in one thread. Links to three threads: One. Two. Three. Full of copypasta, a few serious replies and a challenge for you to win reddit gold if you prove some statement.

If you want to know more like "how many men are straight" or "does the person who wrote this likes that", just ask and I'll look it up.

I might publish a abridged version of the raw results if there's interest.