Doritos launches rainbow chips to support gay suicide prevention charities; conservatives lose their mind

34  2015-09-18 by bass-

It was a limited stock offer for which you had to book it online and all the money raised is for "it gets better" - a suicide prevention charity for lgbt youth. In fact it was all sold out In 2 hours

Doritos goes gay.. #BoycottDoritos

@Doritos So long, #Doritos. It was nice knowing you. Great idea, @fritolay. #LGBT is < 2% of population. Definitely worth the pandering.

well, this is all hatred for All Mighty God, The Rainbow is a Covenant God made with His people-God Will Not Be Mocked

another good reason not to buy doritos. Perversion in a bag.

When do the gun rights chips come out?

When are the #BlueLivesMatter packaging Blue Corn Doritos being produced?

@Doritos so you're advocating exponentially higher rates of disease, physical and mental abuse? #RealGayLife #AskAProctologist

Doritos is literally shoving the gay agenda down our throats now. @Doritos , I will never again purchase any of your products

.@Doritos @MontyDraxel Those look absolutely repulsive. Cum and AIDS flavored?


this pic

How about we burn Doritos like the queer flag? Abominations!

I support equal rights, but this is just stupid and really pushing boundaries for us whom are not gay or bi. How would they feel if us straight people began a movement for "Straight Pride"? The LGBT community would began to feel offended. First, gay marriage becomes legalized, then they show off their flag raising it high all over the states, then this?? What's next? Rainbow-Colored Coca-Cola? This is just stupid.

Gay Doritos , The only chip you have to take an HIV test after eating.

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