Shit stirrers, it's time for a think tank!

29  2015-10-21 by justcool393

Normally, when I put on my mod hat on, it's usually to espouse some random political agenda, or inform you that yet again, we've gotten into a slapfight with SRD, or to make up something about my childhood.

This time, we're doing something a little different. As you may be seeing, we're having some issues with /u/ttumblrbots not archiving some posts, and because of that, by a vote of 1-0, the mod team has decided to employ /u/SnapshillBot in addition to /u/ttumblrbots. Don't worry, all of us are experienced in the areas of social justice with in regards to bots rights. Many have degrees from prestigious universities in Bot Studies, and work to bring equality to botkind everyday.

Anyway, this is where you come in. Because SnapshillBot can have quotes preceding the archives, we are reaching out to the community for ideas for quotes or general text above it.


  1. No username mentions. The only reason for that is the admins would get annoyed with us if we did that and probably get us shadowbanned, kind of like /u/Br00ce was doing with /u/AutoModerator.

  2. MODS = GODS

Winners will be picked soon, and up to completely arbitrary criteria that I will make up.