Censorship in /r/Europe regarding deaths of migrants/refugees

0  2015-11-11 by NoMoreLurkingToo

Firstly, I apologize if this subreddit is not the appropriate one for this post.

While browsing Google News, I came across this article on 14 people drowning today while trying to cross (illegally) from Turkey to Greece.

I have noticed an increasing sense of hostility in /r/Europe, particularly from September on, against refugees and immigrants in general. People in that subreddit constantly blame immigrants for walking to Europe just for the economic benefits.

So I thought it would be constructive to start a conversation on the dangers these people face in order to reach Europe and why would they subject themselves to it if only for some social benefits.

But after making my post and immediately checking the New section of the /r/Europe subreddit, I found it would not appear.

It was as if the post was AUTOMATICALLY removed from being visible.

So I messaged the Mods:


I just made a new post a few minutes ago but it does not appear when looking for new posts in this subreddit. This link has not been previously used in Reddit and I can post normally in other subreddits. Can you help me with this issue?

Thank you in advance,


This was their reply (about 20 minutes after my post was hidden and about 3 minutes after I sent them my message):


Please avoid "daily news ticker" items regarding immigration; there are far too many of them and each adds only very little information to the conversation. Articles of a broader scope (in this case, articles on the dangers of the Turkey-Greece sea crossing) are fine.

This reply made little sense to me so I sent them another message:

Well, I must admit to be a bit surprised that an article on fourteen (14) people who drowned is deemed to be uninteresting enough to warrant AUTOMATIC removal from /r/europe. It was removed from being visible to the subreddit in under 5 seconds. It is almost as if the link to that article was previously added to a script that was made to automatically censor articles about people loosing their lives while trying to cross to Europe... Could you confirm or deny the existence of such a script?

Articles of a broader scope (in this case, articles on the dangers of the Turkey-Greece sea crossing) are fine.

I would imagine that an article about fourteen (14) people drowning while trying to cross from Turkey to Greece on a small wooden boat together with another twenty seven (27) people who were rescued would highlight exactly the danger of such a sea crossing. Could you explain a little more thoroughly why this is not the case here?

Thank you in advance,


It has now been more than two hours and still no reply.

edit: 4 hours and still no reply

Please comment if something similar has happened to you as well in /r/Europe. It is sad to see it transforming to /r/European (racist subreddit) because it used to be a place where it was possible to have a decent conversation on issues concerning Europe. Now it seems to be another anti-immigrant circlejerk.