A bunch of people are butthurt over an "Auschwitz mentality" livestock truck toy being sold at Walmart.

9  2015-11-20 by theloststorm

So apparently Hitler Inc. Walmart has a new toy, its a Holocaust Train livestock transporter. There's a whole lot of butthurt vegans and 11, 638 of them have signed a petition to stop the indoctrination of kids. That's about 1.009717161200763 angry vegans so far per Walmart in the world, a real force to be reckoned with. It'll probably take more than a few Walmart greeters to handle all those angry protesters.

Here's an article by The Dodo on the subject: https://www.thedodo.com/walmart-pig-truck-1458266888.html There's some drama in the comments.

For more drama check out the change.org petition and its comments: https://www.change.org/p/c-douglas-mcmillon-walmart-please-stop-selling-toy-slaughter-trucks?recruiter=293386&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-md-share_petition-reason_msg

Anyways, enough shitposting, I'm gonna go eat some more Venetian Moneylender bacon.