Happy Thanksgiving /r/Drama!

14  2015-11-26 by justcool393

Hello /r/Drama.

Today we gather with about as much enthusiasm as one can have on a Thanksgiving day. We want to give thanks to the shit stirrers of the universe, and we fully appreciate these users who do so.

However, we want to hear about your day. Whether it be about the idiots that have differing political opinions arguing that Obama's presidency is a sign of the apocalypse, the uncle that you "forgot" to invite, but still wants to "see the kids", or the arguments between the young ones about who's turn it was to be player one in Mario Kart, we want to hear your story.

You may say "but its not interesting" and "everyone got along". But we know that a) you are a liar, and b) as long as it sounds plausible, you can post it.

What will happen afterward? Well, what will probably happen is that we will judge your family, and then based off of that, we will judge you. But don't worry! We're doing it to everyone, and you can join in too.

Come on, join in the fun!