The Amazing Atheist and The Drunken Peasants VS Tommy Sotomayor

12  2015-11-29 by HeisenSingh

It all started when The Drunken Peasants a did a thinly veiled racist segment of there podcast. where there came at Tommy, making fun of him and calling him ignorant, saying he can't read is hooked on Ebonics and said he fucked watermelons because no women would ever fuck him, that why he's a Mgtow [Men Going Their Own Way] who hates his mother and women. All because he made a video about a transsexual committing suicide by jumping in front of a truck

A day later Tommy made a response video addressing the drunken peasants saying there were jealous of his possession, made racist black stereotypical jokes about him that weren’t true and that it hurts the drunken peasants to see a black man who has more money than them lives in a better house and gets more white pussy than all of them combined. He called them losers because there had all the advantages in life because there were born white in America and still failed.

The amazing atheist then made a response video to Tommy, saying he wasn’t racist and it was just satire. He then called out Tommy for using the word 'WHITBOI' calling him the real racist.

Tommy then made response video titled: The Amazing Atheist Helped Me Realize That Whites Own Satire, Sarcasm & Hyperbole & Reply Videos! In this video he called out The amazing atheist and his fan-boys, saying if the The amazing atheist is not racist then why did is fans came to his you tube and twitter comments calling him all kinds of racial epithets. he even talked about the amazing atheist micro penis and put a link to a video of The Amazing Atheist putting a banana in his ass and trowing hot oil on his penis.