SaturDISASTER as gun nuts lead top level brigade against /r/GunsAreCool. Oh, the humanity!

11  2015-12-06 by frozengold83

Today, December 5th, 2015, polar opposites which have long been fighting a reddit-wide cyber war, became trending at the same time.

/r/GunsAreCool and /r/dgu were trending on the SAME FUCKING DAY.

Most of the battle took place in this comment chain, where mods from /r/GunsAreCool and 2nd amendment supporters went head to head.

Eventually, one GrC mod, /u/PraiseToBeScience, exposed a brigade led by /u/pongo000. Their mischievous ways were exposed. Well, as it turns out, this was only the beginning.

/r/GunsAreCool was swarmed by downvote brigaders. as the post welcoming new users was mass downvoting to the point only 2 upvotes were seeable. As you can see by sorting /r/GunsAreCool by the new tab, none of the posts are receiving an adequate amount of Internet points.

This is war, and it is very serious. Prepare for more drama.