Boardgame store "Cool City Games" flips out on facebook after shitty Yelp review

28  2015-12-13 by drunkengael

"Douche bag Prominentis" Chris P. leaves a one star Yelp review for Cool City Games:

"I visited this shop only once and will not be back. The shop caters to regulars, and it appears that they have not really kept up with the newest and greatest titles. The staff are also unaware of the games that are selling out all over the country, most likely because they have their head in the miniatures and MTG scene. The prices are simply outrageous, especially when as a Canadian I can get the same game 10-15 bucks cheaper on the Canadian side of the border. I understand brick and mortar stores have to make their overhead and the gaming scene in Port Huron is small, but I think there are ways to remain current, provide competitive pricing, and attract new customers. This store needs an overhaul in order to really become a place where I would take my business."

A year later, the owners notice, and flip their shit on facebook:

"Below is an example of the evolutionary off-shoot know as Douche-bag Prominentis. They rarely leave their mother's basements, but one can often observe the electronic footprint they leave on internet review sites and in the comments sections of Internet News stories. Scientists have been unable to breed them in captivity, but have noted that the female of the species, Hypotheticus Cunt, prefers anal intercourse, which produces only Republicans."

As of now, the comments section is full of people telling the game store owners to stop acting like crybabies, and they really are unfriendly and overpriced from the sounds of it...