Drama Generation Thread to meet year-end quota

5  2015-12-16 by snallygaster

It's the end of the year, and /r/drama needs to meet a certain milestone amount of drama, just like a traffic cop needs to meet a quota in traffic ticket money so that he doesn't get demoted to desk jockey. Unfortunately, aside from JR, bipolarbear0, and kaalaaaa, none of us have been really been very dramatic this year and it makes me sick quite frankly. As such, fuck Star Wars, Star Trek is and will always be the superior sci fi series. Star Wars is what Tommy is to The Wall. It's all flash and pzazz with no meaningful character development or Aesopean message. The chemistry between characters is moderately deep at best, whereas the cast of ST:TOS interacts almost naturally. Your pet sociopolitical cause is shite, I slept with your waifu in 3D, and I think your favorite video game is a 7/10 at best. I think you have a toilet paper degree and disagree with your stance on GamerGate. Your philosophical inclinations project a view of the world that is shallow at best and haughty at worst. Your favorite sports team sucks and is going to lose the first round of the playoffs. Your writing style is garbage and makes me feel somewhat like my favorite writer, which is way better than your plebian idol btw.

You need to get out of the house more and stop drinking so much. The silly Bane voice ruined The Dark Knight sequel. Your grand battle against [SJWs/reactionaries] is limp-dicked and only drives the people you're fighting against further into their cause. The ivory-billed woodpecker really is extinct, any everyone who thinks the nearest sighting was legit is delusional. Your face is slightly asymmetrical. Gaspar Noe is the one of the worst directors of all times in terms of hype to quality ratio. Gay marriage is a mistake because God says that marriage is between a man and a woman. Know Your Meme and Uncyclopedia are superior to Encyclopedia Dramatica. Having blue eyes means that every other one of your genes is recessive and therefore superior. Viewing porn is misogynist. Memes contribute nothing to the Internet and have essentially ruined it. The khosians are not significantly physiologically distinct from the bantus. Cops are usually okay people. Lolitas should just stop after hitting 21 and there's nothing amoral about banging dogs if you have romantic feelings for them. 7/11 was an inside job. Moderation and content curating is essential in many online forums. Fish can feel pain just like we do. I logged on just to upvote this. Gender roles have a biological basis that shouldn't be ignored for the sake of political correctness. Elk meat is disgusting. Vine is a good platform for humor. Adding spice to meat just detracts from the flavor. /pol/ made 4chan better. Video games are for manchildren and losers. Being fat isn't correlated with frequency of some diseases or mortality rate and you're a piece of shit if you believe that. If women didn't wear more makeup, they'd be more attractive. Reddit and 4chan have the same exact audience even if they pretend not to. You should keep an open mind and entertain the idea of Otherkin. Eugenics is a viable social plan that will allow the population to become as good and smart as me. The Watchmen was the best film of all time. Being a porn star is an empowering feminist act. Canada is boring and lame and doesn't say sorry as much as England does. It's okay to call people 'faggots' if you don't mean it as a homophobic slur because it is an exercise of free speech. You should release your plecos into the nearest lake or river once they get too big for your tank.