Youtube skateboard star (and his manager) are arrested for kiddie diddling!

80  2015-12-17 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy

Baby Scumbag is a Youtube "star", and inventor of using wayyy too many exclamation points! Here is his Youtube!

Vice did a write-up on him a couple of years ago if you're interested in some background on why he's the skateboard tween celebrity du jour.

Over 700,000k followers on YT, 1 mill on his IG, and 170k+ on his Twitter.

It is unknown how many people he had on Facebook because he baleeted his facebook like a little fuckboi!

The trouble started for Baby Scumbag when he and some members of his entourage (who are both in their mid to late 20s) told a 12 year old girl they would give her a spot on a MTV show and make her famous in return for sexual favors.

Thing is the show was entirely fake, and oh yeah, fucking a 12 year old is really, really illegal. Woops!

Baby Scumbag et al were arrested in a sting operation, and Baby Scumbag was subsequently released to his mother. Here is his mugshot for lulz.

Investigators released information of this case mere hours ago in an effort to find more girls who may have been sexually exploited by the group.

The internet is at this very moment waking up to this shitshow and descending upon his social media accounts like a pack of starving hyenas.

Here is latest update - Juicy as fuck.

On his IG the comments sections are quickly turning into total shitshows as people argue over whether or not he was arrested at all, or if he is guilty.

Will update as things progress, it surely will since this kidfucker is only 15, and is probably going to have a meltdown fit for a post of its own.