[Dramatic Happening] Btw, genius biotech trader and entrepreneur (also evil scumbag) Martin Shkreli turned out to have been running a ponzi and was arrested.

10  2015-12-18 by xXxDeAThANgEL99xXx

http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-12-17/martin-shkreli-accused-of-being-surprisingly-good-at-fraud, very satisfying.

The dude is best known for acquiring the rights to and jacking up the price on Daraprim, an anti-toxoplasmosis drug used by AIDS and cancer patients, from $13.50 to $750 per pill, just because he could.

He's also active on social media (including reddit) and is totally unapologetic. Here's an SRD thread about his AMA

He also bought the sole copy of the new Wu-Tang Clan album for $2M. And has not listened to it yet, apparently.

There's a funny interview with him about it, where he says that he wants to become a rapper himself, and talks shit about RZA (of Wu-Tang Clan) for talking shit about him, and explains that as an Albanian he's one of the toughest mofos around and not to be fucked with, so RZA might end up seriously regretting making him angry. Keep his photo in a separate tab while reading and look at it now and then, and it'd be heartwrenchingly hilarious.

Also, on topic of that album itself he says, I quote:

I’m not going to play it for no reason. If Taylor Swift wants to come over and suck my dick, I’ll play it for her. [Laughs]

Charming dude!

And so now it comes to light that his first three attempts at being a biotech hedge fund manager totally failed, which in each case he covered by starting the next one and using the investments to pay out the previous investors.

The weird thing is that his fourth company, Retrophin, that was actually making some drugs, ended up pretty successful which allowed him to embezzle enough funds from it to cover the previous losses before getting booted from it by the board of directors.

Anyways, here's to the hope that he's facing a couple of decades in prison for his tricks! And that nobody ever trusts him with their money again afterwards!