Are religious people better than Sandy Hook hoax beliebers? Yes. That shouldn't even be arguable. Of course some dipshit tries to use ratheism logic to claim otherwise.

10  2015-12-21 by NewdAccount

Here is where the argument starts. Yes, I jacked this from SRD.

But there is also drama in SRD. A neckbeard argues that religious people are stupider than Sandy Hook truthers because the possibility of Sandy Hook being a hoax is more probable than the existence of an omnipotent being. Let that sink in a bit. Sandy Hook being a hoax is supposedly more plausible (despite the obvious logic, le science, and fucking facts) than an unseen force of infinite omnipotence that cannot be empirically proven nor disproven.

"If anything the religious are even stupider, in my opinion. I don't believe in Sandy hook conspiracy, but in the .000000001% chance it describes something, at least it's capable of happening in our physical world, which puts them on much firmer logical ground than virgin births, reincarnation, after lives and all that utterly impossibly garbage for idiots.

TL;DR: AALewisisms in /r/News and /r/Subredditdrama