The sidebar image is completely inappropriate. Pls remove post haste.

7  2015-12-25 by Wacnews

As a straight white cis male, I've never really been bothered by gay spanking. I even watched Shortbus and liked it (including the threesome scene where one guy blew "The Star Spangled Banner" into the other guy's asshole like a trumpet.)

But the current sidebar image triggers the bejeebus out of me (and Christmas in general.) Why does Santa look like a nasty meat packaging plant manager on a bad day? Why does the naked spankee look so greasy? His ass looks more like it was chapped from diaper rash than a spanking, and his ankle looks rubbed raw as well. Why can't we see his head? Is he decapitated? Or does he have one of those triangle noggins like in Silent Hill?

That apartment looks dingy and revolting, too. No decorations, shitty drapes and a couch I can smell through my monitor. I kind of feel ungrateful to the mods and a bit of an asshole bigot, but this shit is just wrong. Please remove it immediately and replace it with this.
