The Winners of r/Drama's totes offish Best of 2015 Awards!

52  2015-12-31 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy

It's happening! The votes are in and the winners have been chosen!

Each winner gets one month of Reddit GoldTM and the admiration of us all.

Boy Are You In the Wrong Subreddit

  • The winner of this award is the person who unknowingly posted the best/funniest/worst off-topic post to r/Drama. (No kdramas and indian soap operas do not count).

Winner: /u/MhairiC for looking for a scottish monologue for a female... This person has never used their account literally ever since posting that, but hell, we're giving them Gold anyway! Horray! Yolo!

Best Rapist of 2015

  • The winner of this award is surely going to have something to kick and scream about! This lucky person is the best/worst person to have been accused of rape in 2015. There were so many this year and we're sure they're all chomping at the bit for this crown!

Winner: "The dude who acted as the male in Mattress Girl's porno." Since the dude who faux-raped mattress girl does not have a Reddit account (as far as we know!) this Gold will be going to the person who submitted this drama to our subreddit. TURNS OUT whoever submitted that also deleted their account - so we're giving this Gold to the person who last posted about mattress girl in our subreddit - who is /u/Headasplodes! Congrats for posting something quasi related to this drama! It's not a cop out people - it's a cop-in ;)

Cattiest Bitch of 2015

  • Meow! This award goes to the fabulous person who takes no shits from anyone and gives legit zero fucks about your feelings. The king/queen of vitriol is the winner of this award, and once crowned it is advised you steer clear of them else you may get burned by their fiery wrath!

Winner: /u/_lilPoundcake. I'm ashamed to say that I was not even considered for this award, and as punishment you're all going to get flogged. Congrats to our very own LilP!

/r/Drama Shitposter of the Year

  • This award goes to the best shitposter in r/drama. We all already know BestofOutrageCulture has this one in the bag, but perhaps a rival may reveal themselves!

Winner: /u/Velvet_Llama!! Your efforts to make our subreddit worse than it already is have not gone unnoticed, and we appreciate your efforts to keep /r/drama as light hearted as possible! Kisses <3

Worst SRD mod of 2015

  • This award goes to a moderator of Subredditdrama that has exerted an especially forceful effort to make SRD the saddest, and largest hugbox on the internet.

Winner: /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK! We love you! <3

Best Mental Breakdown of 2015

  • We may need a welfare check for this one folks! This award goes to the lucky person who just couldn't quite keep their shit together, and had a totes fab mental breakdown!

Winner: Ex-Ghazi mod Lifestyled for his miraculous doxxing meltdown! Because Lifestyled baleeted their account, this gold is going to the person who submitted the original drama to our subreddit, and that person is /u/TheThng!!

Biggest Drama Queen of 2015

  • This award goes to the person who totally doesn't have too much time on their hands, and has been involved in a large amount of drama, or the biggest dramas of the year.

Winner: /u/kaalaaaa!! Horray!

Biggest Drama of the Year 2015

  • This award is for the biggest drama of the year. This is a drama that had lasting effects on a community, or the people involved. The larger the fall-out, and the larger the damage done, the larger the drama!

Winner: The banning of /r/Fatpeoplehate! Since /r/Fatpeople hate does not have a Reddit account, we're going to be giving the gold to the person who first submitted the drama to our subreddit. That person is drum roll please /u/HANEZ!!

Best Animal Rapist of 2015

  • This award is for the best/worst person accused of being an animal rapist. Admitted animal rapists are in the running too, so watch out y'all!

Winner: /u/FrostFedora!! We won't let you borrow our dogs, but we'll definitely let you borrow this Reddit GoldTM!

Biggest Cuck of 2015

  • Did you really think we'd close out the year without this one? Cuck culture is a very important aspect of r/drama's community and it's our pleasure to crown the largest cuck of 2015 right here in our beautiful subreddit!

Winner: DUHHHH It's /u/BestOfOutrageCulture!!! Congrats! May the force of every other mans cock be with your wife!

There we have it folks! The best and brightest of /r/drama all laid bare before you!

We here at r/drama hope you had a fun year (we know we did), and we hope to have another fun year!

kisses <3