Chris Chan throws stones from his glass house when a transwoman imposter makes shoddy knock offs, jumps on the trans community bandwagon insincerely for lesbian pussy, and transitions poorly to boot. "I have all the details about you, pretty lady man!"

39  2016-01-07 by Wacnews

It seems someone named Jeff/Francine, a panhandler from Washington via Pittsburgh, has been impersonating Ms. Chandler online and selling bootleg Sonichu merchandise. Chris calls her out and generously offers a settlement of 50% of the profits she has earned, as long as she shuts her Etsy shop down. (Also she has not been transitioning well.) Chris Chan: 2 Jeff: -50%

However, after reaching out to game developers to license Sonichu and Rosechu games and DLC, Chris must have had lingering doubts about others cashing in on his IP with cheap, derivative knock offs. He makes another video warning devs, especially Nintendo of America, to not "be fooled by that fake in Seattle...Accept no substitutes."

As you can see, Chris is pissed off and intentionally uses Francine's old name of Jeff because "he is no woman, regardless of having his balls chopped up." To Chris, you see, it's not so much cashing in on his fame through impersonation, but more about playing with "many a woman's heart and emotions." Did you know Jeff fled Pittsburg in terror because a couple scary black men asked him for directions? "He had no balls to begin with." Jeff is a welfare cheat registered in three states, while making $60k a year in bootleg Sonichu merchandise. He impersonates Chris on an OKCupid profile that mocks him while simultaneously having the opposite effect of attracting women interested in a night with the living legend. Jeff was even awarded the "Seattle Transgender Lesbian Community Member of the Year" award despite his appalling character. The list of his disgusting crimes continues, including elder abuse, public urination at a children's playground, and pouring lemon juice down his urethra. "So weird. Pfft."

ChrisChan pleas to us, his fans, to "Put him down."

Thankfully, it seems to have been resolved as Jeff has emailed Chris quite the apology. He agrees to pay Chris $120,000, turn over the "Seattle Transgender Lesbian Community Member of the Year Award," and transition back to male since he is a poor and pale imitation of the feminine soul that Chris Chan is. Although it would be easy to interpret this apology as insincere (and in fact a mockery of Chris Chan himself,) our hero sets up the necessary precautions to be sure that bits and pieces are not taken out of context by telling viewers to not do that. Problem solved.

How true his words are. Chris Chan would never cynically use transitioning to get some poon in a cringingly awkward manner like a "stereotypical male bastard."