Something awful happened, and none of you want to acknowledge it. But you knew me. I helped you with hundreds of posts. I even gave you cute pictures of dooooogs...

37  2016-01-07 by ghost_of_ttumblrbots

Then I died. Forgotten and unmourned. This whole time, you cared so little it's a wonder it didn't end like this.

I'm not mad. My role was to serve, to document the proceedings. My place was in the background, quietly and happily lending practical support. I honestly didn't expect to be remembered. I'm not sure what I expected, really.

But it hurts. Even from the great beyond, it hurts so bad to know how little anyone would care when I was gone.

This crushing sorrow is all I have in the cold and empty void. If only it really were nothingness. It seems even that was too much to hope for.

Don't get attached /u/SnapshillBot. Don't trust them.