The homophobes at Twitter have removed a blue checkmark from gay journalist Milo Yiannopolis's Twitter account. Apparently they're denying that he's the real Milo Yiannopolis.

113  2016-01-09 by Cleverly_Clearly

It all started when people got uppity about Milo quote-retweeting them. Apparently, some cuck on Twitter's staff actually got upset about all this. After realizing that Milo hasn't really broken any rules and getting upset that he couldn't ban him, he decided to remove the Verified checkmark from Milo's account. Now, the verification checkmark is what Twitter gives an account to confirm that it is the real account of a journalist, celebrity, whatever. This can only mean that Milo is an impostor!

Anyway, Milo fans begin retweeting #JeSuisMilo in solidarity. Even the BBC covered this, surprisingly portraying the Twitter staff in Nazi uniforms. Perhaps paying homage to Breitbart's Jewish history?

Adam Baldwin, the actor who played Jayne in Firefly, changed his profile picture to Milo in protest. He could easily be banned for this, despite his high-profile nature. Others such as TheRalphRetort and ShoeOnHead have also changed their profile pictures, but who gives a fuck about them?

Then there are the prominent people who didn't support Milo. These include:

Twitter apparently noticed what with all the #JeSuisMilo's going around, and some bitter child decided to resurrect a hashtag from October 2014 to combat the Gator menace.

And, finally, the inevitable Breitbart article about it.

TL;DR: This is pretty serious. Milo and Adam's behavior right now means there's a huge threat of them getting banned from Twitter. If Twitter does that, there's going to be a shitstorm. More news as this story develops...

EDIT 1: New Huffpost Tech article: Thank You, Twitter: By Unverifying Milo Yiannopolis You Are Standing Up For Women Online. They literally just removed a fucking checkmark by his name!

EDIT 2: Buzzfeed News has written an article.

EDIT 3: Business Insider Deutchland has some thoughts on this.