/r/anarchism shows its pro-ephebophilia side. Not all comrades are happy.

42  2016-01-12 by Dworkicide

While the rest of the internet mourns the passing of David Bowie, /r/anarchism decides to liberate us by denouncing him as a rapist.

However, some anarchists believe that statutory rape isn't real and doesn't take youth awareness of their own boundaries into account, based on their experiences as a thirteen year old, and they are quickly labeled a bourgeoisie pedophile.

Another anarchist declares that statutory rape is ageist, but the other anarchists disagree that a 13 year old cannot consent or just don't mind that they're being ageist as opposed to condoning child rape.

The revelation that his comrades are pedophile defenders is too much for /u/doonuter who feels like he's living in a twilight zone and believes that /r/@ will drive him to suicide someday. The OP is likewise disgusted that the edge-lords of /r/anarchism think grown men fucking 13 year girls is fine.

Despite talking all morning about having sympathy for the bourgeoisie, /r/@ decides to shit on the memory of David Bowie right after he passed away, which upsets some people.


Why not fuck 5 year olds, or infants even?

I feel like I'm in a new reality where anarchists suddenly condone rape.

Go fuck yourself

tumblr is leaking from a loli-tarian.