Drama in /r/BicyclingCirclejerk when a triathlete shows up in the comments.

11  2016-01-19 by missmurrr

For those unfamiliar, /r/BicyclingCirclejerk pokes fun at posts in the various bike subreddits. Usual fodder is people with too much money on bikes they don't need. For example, a dentist riding a cervelo is a running joke.

A user posts their $5,500 bike in /r/bicycling, https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/41gcw6/nbd_giantliv_envie_advanced_pro/cz2524v with a ridiculous position one would find on a hybrid bike, not an expensive racing bike. Here's a similar bike as OP's with a correct set up to give you an idea of a proper road set up. Check out that saddle position and slammed stem.

Anyways, OP follows messenger bot in to /r/BicyclingCirclejerk, and can't seem to understand why people are shitting on her expensive bike that is not even set up properly.


Which then the OP of the /r/BicyclingCirclejerk thread continue to trolls /u/thefranster with yet another post.

