/r/Drama Reacts™ to TheFineBros' reaction to the Internet

66  2016-01-31 by justcool393

Hey everybody. This post is us wanting to explain some things about /r/Drama. The confusion and negative response over what this all is has been so overwhelming and what we've realized is that we completely screwed up with how we originally talked about this.

First and foremost, if you missed it, /u/TheFineBros recently put an update to their ReactWorld™ video, which has for some statistics netted them a loss of over 100,000 subscribers (they were at 14,800,000 before) and 10:3 dislike to like ratio.

The ambiguity of the first video left Boogie2988 (who posted his own reaction to it) and much of the internet pissed. Because of previous controversies with the monetization of content, and the fact that small YouTubers compete with much larger YouTubers and ones that receive corporate funding, this move seemed like a punch to the gut.

But The Fine Bros came clear, and probably in the almost worst way. Digging themselves into a grave of downvotes and dislikes, they basically said a few things:

  1. Yes, they are trademarking the word React. I can't find the trademark application thing for it yet, but I'll update if a someone finds it..

  2. Yes, they will be taking down videos they deem "too similar" to their format.

  3. People hate this.

  4. They still are acting like everyone should love it.

Additionally, /u/MindOfMetalAndWheels (better known as CGPGrey) is not having any of it. He posted his own video, where he announces that he is sarcastically trademarking stick figures. Additionally, after TheFineBros posted their Update video, CGPGrey also created a new video sarcastically emulating the "Update" that TheFineBros had posted.

Additionally, he is also on Twitter, jokingly saying that he is in the wrong business.

All in all, it's a complete disaster.

Some other reactions to it:

  1. DramaAlert (4 minutes)
  2. ReviewTechUSA (29 minutes)
  3. penguinz0 (6 minutes)
  4. AlphaOmegaSin (11 minutes)
  5. MrRepzion (9 minutes)
  6. FilmCow (3 minutes)

Or just look at this page.