The ongoing saga of Ted

26  2016-02-14 by Danyell619

About 5 months ago I told the tale a f Ted. The train wreck who dated flesh golems and failed to buy an Indian bride. Well there is an update. He still has his job (by the skin of his teeth) but he has a new woman! Oh the delicious drama! His new lady is an Indian woman who he has known for two months and is not a citizen... Well WAS not a citizen because Ted married her. Yup, he knew her for less than 8 weeks and it has gone as well as might be expected. She made him stop drinking, which he just lies and hides it. One reason he wanted an Indian woman was for the sweet sweet curry. (Which tells you all you need to know about how much he knows about Indian culture). She cooks for him everyday, which he then throws away so "she won't have another thing to bitch about". When he said this they were married less than two weeks. She is now bugging him about her green card... A LOT. So, yeah he is in a green card marriage that is obviously rocky less than a month in. This man is a fount of great decision making.