Article critical of leftists hit a little close to home for /r/anarchism

37  2016-02-21 by Veeron

It's safe to say /u/diplopoda234 is not very impressed by the article.

Honestly this article was pretty much pure concern trolling all the way through. I think whoever wrote this needs to spend less time writing and more time swallowing broken glass.

His anarchist comrades don't take his critique very kindly.

Further down, a discussion on trigger warnings and safe spaces stays relatively civil until...

Literally the biggest load of shit i have ever read around here... no. really. what is actually wrong with you?

At the very bottom, one user slips up and uses a certain c-word we are all familiar in a now-removed comment.

The left has been cucked by idpol tbh. Yeah its good to treat people well , but its mostly just further splitting and alienating the working class.

Short slapfight bonus drama:

I'm making fun of you, not being a martyr hun.