Hi There. I didn't read any of the rules, so I apologize, but can I rant about how shills own and operate /r/movies and such? ( i.e. Revenant sucks )

4  2016-02-28 by NonPartisanPooper

And I all want to do, is warn the public as a PSA that this movies sucks, but I cannot even do something so literally small and tiny in the overall scheme of things.

you will hate me because of this, but frankly my dear, kiss my grits, Revenant overblown monotonous bricabrac of hype.


All I wanted to say was how these....

These BRUTALLY HONEST BALLOTS has literally renewed my faith in the entire process of Oscar Nominations and Selections:

The Revenant was the most overblown, over-hyped piece of crap ever — I mean, honestly. I think it's gonna win, sadly, because people buy into all the PR about how hard it was to make, but I don't care. There was something anti-human about this movie; there was no humanity and I didn't like anybody.

....it's sad that even these people realize that they have no power to stop bad movies from winning. It appears that Von Neumon Probe PR machines are UNSTOPPABLE killers.

oh look. my post criticizing revenant was removed from new posts. i didn't realize thought crimes were punished so swiftly here. sig heil!

This pisses me off, because, these imbeciles are being PAID to do this, and there's is nothing that can be done by legit moral people of this world, who have real opinions and shit. f u r movie mods!!!

P.S. Where is my fucking flair bitches! Get on it, I was promised the new naked woman flair.