HonorYourBeetus has a mental breakdown in DG modmail over breastfeeding

23  2016-04-01 by [deleted]

I know you've all been waiting for me to give you some more tasty bits so here you go.

After a few harmless comments by myself about why Beetus tries to make breastfeeding out to be some amazingly beautiful thing a thread starts about sexual implications of breast feeding. I label her a pedophile and proceed to demonize her for sexually abusing her child, she proceeds to go absolutely insane over this.

Here is the thread that started the breast feeding issue

Here are the two comments that started it:




After breastfeeding became a topic the dick pic poster throws up a thread about women becoming sexually aroused during breast feeding


This is where Beetus begins to lose it because she thinks people are attacking her newly born child, things escalate and she decides to make a thread expressing what she thinks of those involved

Beetus calls out many that made crude jokes and other innocent bystanders for no reason

She for some reason decides to really go after /u/nacmar for being trans, while they were previously on good terms, simply because she didn't react in a way Beetus deemed worthy of her praise. Showing her true colors. She also seems to think people are trying to physically hunt down her child for no apparent reason.

Drama continues to spill out to other modmail threads

Another here

At this point everyone is turning on Beetus for the way she is treating people, especially /u/nacmar, who didn't really do attack her or wrong her in anyway. postpartum depression much? More like postpartum psychosis.

We move to a new thread without Beetus as people attempt to mute the thread in hopes of preserving Beetus' dignity for her since she has clearly lost her god damn mind

Beetus is so far gone she begins lashing out at everyone she can find

She attacks a fellow shitlord mother for having her own independent thoughts

She even goes as far as to wish rape upon other's children

She has since deleted her account but she certainly went out in a blaze of glory. RIP /u/HonorYourBeetus


She added another attack to /u/Goatsac in google hangouts. Here is the quote from Goats comment


DickGirls is my whole life, yet I haven't been actually active for like three months... whilst that bitch posted the ultrasound sexing of her unborn child to DG modmail before she told the rest of her family. And ditched out on her own baby shower to talk to us, "her friends".

link to comment

We also got a hold of some juicy PMs in which Beetus talks behind people's backs

PMs here

BONUS poem by HammthaMcBeetusButt

Oh toucan you birdy Oh what have you done

Beetus is kill, your cyber-bullying the gun

Smoking in guilt, or lolling in glee

Beetus is kill, come all and see

A little trolling of her kid, saying breastfeeding was rape

Had beetus in a tiffy, defending mommys little ape

As if that wasnt enough, she bragged about whats in the bank

Come on beetus thats his money, not yours you little skank

Toucan is now the slayer of jew girls galore

CAW with might, and show the rest the door