Paranoid /u/microwavedindividual turns /r/WatchRedditDie into his own conspiracy theory soapbox, diverting 70+ charged comments directly through his tin-foil hat
17 2016-04-19 by willfe42
/r/Drama veterans might recognize /u/microwavedindividual, a crackpot who has a lot to say about electromagnetic radiation to anyone who will listen (or honestly anyone who doesn't walk away or throw him out of the room once he gets going).
He decided to complain about being "censored" from /r/TopMindsOfReddit, airing his grievances in a thread over in /r/WatchRedditDie, heavily editing his comments after they gathered responses and accusing everyone who argues with him of "derailing" the discussion.
And stalking. Apparently people are stalking him, too.