Prince has died! Long live the Prince!

44  2016-04-21 by NewdAccount

The real Prince (not that anarchist nerd) passed away today due to elevated levels of coolness. He lived to the age of 57. He is survived by his best song ever, created for the original Batman soundtrack.

"Batdance 1989"

He actually hated digital distribution and would have his legal team vehemently send takedown requests to any streaming site posting his music videos. In honor of his weird views on digital distribution, today is Prince Day.

Edit: Better quality video. Can anyone make a mirror so it can be played here?

Edit 2:

Due to scurrilous allegations portraying me as part of a group of "ungrateful uneducated millenial fucks," I am adding some of his lesser known hits below. Rock out with your cock out (or your giantess toes if you're /u/_lilPoundcake).

"The Little Corvette That Could"

  • This was the first Prince song to reach the Top 10 in the U.S.

  • This song came out in 1983 but was on the album 1999. This was intended as an inside joke to his fanbase who began believing he was a time traveler due to his futuristic sounds.

  • Fun Fact: The song was written with a Bic pen but later was transcribed to an IBM personal computer.

"Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's 1999 Even Though It's Early Than That"

  • This song is considered to be Prince's 20th best hit according to Billboard, a street sign that sometimes tells me things.

  • The song title was shortened after Prince's manager noticed the title wouldn't fit on MTV's video title screen. It's shortened name was actually an unknown date at the time. This began speculation that Prince was destined for greater things.

"When Does Cry"

  • This song first appeared on the Purple Rain album, a movie starring Prince and some other people.

  • Prince was inspired to write this because he felt that he needed an everlasting hit song.

  • He popularized the color purple, a mixture of the colors red and blue.

"Purple Rain"

  • From the same album as its song name, "Purple Rain" is also the same name as its movie title.

  • His real best song ever and one of the best songs of all time.

  • Useful Fact: It's also great to sing at Karaoke if you have the stage presence and je ne sais quoi that can spark a first date into a blossoming romance.

"The Most Beautiful Girl in the World"

  • This song was written for one of the women he was dating or married to at the time.

  • Scientists have proven that women like this song played for them, no matter how cheesy they may say it sounds. They really will believe that you think they are the most beautiful girl in the world, disregarding that there are billions of women on this planet and that you are not much to look at really so your opinion may be askew.

"Nothing Compares 2 U"

  • Yeah he originally wrote and composed this.

  • Nothing compares to you. You are pretty darn special.

  • Sinead O'Connor covered this song, which launched her career into stardom. Shortly thereafter, she chose to "fight the real enemy" by ripping up a photograph of Pope John Paul II on stage during a live taping of SNL. This did not go over well in her homeland of The Shire. Nonetheless, her career came to a halt and nothing ever came of her accusations that the Catholic Church was purposefully hiding priests who were accused of child molestation. To this day, a worldly traveler passing through The Shire may find a sign warning others to "not sing songs of the fairies lest they wish to have their head look like a bellend."


(courtesy of /u/none_to_remain)

Thirty-Mile Zone, more commonly known as TMZ, has reported that Prince accidentally overdosed two days earlier on Percocet, a popular pain relieving prescription drug. He was administered a "save shot" on his personal jet before being rushed to a local hospital. Being his princely self, he ignored doctor's advice to "take it easy" and the advice of an old gypsy woman to "stay in this hospital or you will die in two days."

Hours before his death, he was seen near his local Walgreen's parking lot pacing back and forth in an agitated state while awaiting his medication refill. He had been prescribed pain medication due to a hip surgery in 2010. Stay tuned for more news on this story as it unfolds here at /r/Drama.