Landlord problems
9 2016-04-28 by totallyythrowawayy
disclaimer: I call him landlord for readability. For truth, he manages two small-to-mid-sized buildings on the same block for the actual landlord, who is rich and hands-off.
So, he's a good building manager. He has a light touch when you run into him, deals well with move-ins, move-outs, construction, maintenance, etc. He's good at keeping one informed of intrusions and changes.
Every once in a while, I'll find him joking about being on a hangover. I'm sure he's honest, but whatever. People are people.
This past Saturday, I took myself out on a date with me to see the UFC fight. When I got off the train in my neighborhood, I didn't feel like going back home just yet, so I took myself out for a nightcap with myself. About 2/3 of a beer in, there was manager.
I waved, because it was polite and I felt like I had to. He brought to my table a new tenant, and another girl with whom said new tenant has a complicated thing.
That isn't important.
What's important was,
"Hey, throwaway, do you have any pot?"
"Yeah, I guess, for friends. I don't really smoke.."
A half hour later, with a third party in the mix at the table and talking to me, they disappeared. They came back for five minutes, and disappeared again.
I went home and crashed.
The next day I was tidying and...guess what was missing.
Thing is, of course, the building manager is the guy with keys into my place.
I don't know what to do. I can't exactly turn him into the cops or the landlord. Saying this dude stole my weed implicates me quite more than him. I'm not sure about confronting him; what proof do I have?
But the fact is, I'm 98% sure I'm right about this, and it makes me feel ... violated, to say the least. I really can't afford to move. I like it here, anyway. Besides that, BM was very clearly and obviously blasted. I know I've done stupid shit when drunk. I just don't know him well enough to know if he'd be embarrassed, or self-righteous about it.
Cops: way to have pot. Here, have some cuffs.
Landlord: You had pot?! Are you kidding me?!
And the worst thing is, BM and I have had a decently great relationship for about three years. I've never seen him blasted before, but...yeah.
I kind of want to be passive aggressive next time I hear him outside my door, step out, offer him a smoke, and say, "So, um... You wouldn't go into my place without telling me, right?"
But that seems petty.