This was deleted from SRD, so here you go you fucking animals: Panic! at the GamerGhazi. Or about the GamerGhazi. But wtf is GamerGhazi? Is it increasingly unhinged? Can someone ask what one means by "sealion" without being entitled? And how are pedophiles involved?

77  2016-05-06 by renewalnotice

Right away, you can see there's very minor drama when someone notes (and I don't know if this is true or false, or was true or false when they posted) that this is the only submission on the frontpage under 80%. But that's not dramatic on its own. Later, though, we see some sparks fly when someone asks what Ghazi is and a response comes back that the posters there aren't all there. Unrelated to that and the sealion question, though, is the pedo discussion. Is it okay to accuse people of defending pedophiles? Is it okay to accuse people who accuse people of defending pedophiles of defending pedophiles? Are both accusations you can just throw around? Neither?

Of course, the underlying drama is something that's been boiling beneath PH for a couple months now: what kind of sub is it, and what panic will be upvoted and what won't?