I am former master trole, SJW slayer, and metareddit menace /u/KamensGhost. I have come out of exile to hold this Q&A with whoever is interested. AMA about my weiner.

0  2016-05-07 by KamensGhost28

Quick edit: I am KamensGhost. Jr is just a loser who got triggered by some other meta troll and JR thnks I'm that guy. That's why he has stickied a comment about this being fake in this thread. JR clearly sucked too much grandpa cock and swallowed a lil too much senility.

Some scattered background info. I was thrown off of reddit by now departed community organizers krispykrackers and cupcake1713 so now that they're off to bigger and better things, I figured I would return from exile. Hopefully none of you plunge an ice-pick into my head!







At one point I was universally reviled by all parts of metareddit and became the enemy of the following people, places, and things:

/r/SubredditDrama and its mods

/r/SRSsucks and its mods



Reddit's administrators

/r/TumblrInAction's moderators


All of the metareddit power mods and users like agentlame, davidkike666, Takeitorfaggotjerk, reese_jewry, stopscopiesme, and the /r/drama mods both past and present. I have been accused of being a Nazi, a racist, a misogynist, a bigot, a sexist, and an idiot among other things. I'm holding this AMA because I'm bored and I've been away for a long time.

Just be sure to focus on Rampart tho