Snoonet is stupid. Join us on OrangeChat!

19  2016-05-26 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy

Are you tired of the Snoonet staff? Tired of their silly insipid rules? Tired of being held to the same standard on IRC as you are on Reddit?

Join us on OrangeChat! Link to the chat is in our sidebar.

OrangeChat is a new chat service created specifically for Reddit that sits comfortably on your current browser page (no new tabs), requires absolutely no pesky "registration," and has a substantially lower amount of discussion-choking rules and guidelines.

With OrangeChat there is no need to worry about IPs, Vhosts, or any of that other silly white people nonsense, and the best part is that changing your username is as easy as signing into a different account (and is entirely private).

Another huge plus is that there is no "learning curve," to this like there is IRC. You just log onto Reddit, it's right there on your screen, and you chat.

While we are experimenting with this chat feature, we are also retaining our IRC chatroom (duh) if you prefer that, although since OrangeChat sits on your usual Reddit page, it's incredibly easy to just use both if you so desire.

Here is their "official" spiel.

What is this new chat? (OC) is an easy-to-use webchat, embedded directly in It allows you to just click and connect with your reddit account and immediately start chatting with other people visiting your favorite subreddits.

There are two ways to use orangechat, the extension and the embedded version.


Using the extension is the easiest way to use - it will embed in the bottom right of your screen when you are browsing reddit and will display chat notifications. However, we also have a stand-alone version available that can be used anywhere HERE - no download required!

What are some of the benefits?

  • No registration: just connect directly using your reddit account. We never have access to your password, and you never need to provide an email address.
  • Easy to use: no commands to remember and no prior knowledge required - we’re trying to keep it simple - no one should need a manual to join or moderate a chatroom.
  • Connects with integrating with reddit lets us make some things very simple - for example, subreddit moderators are detected automatically, and can immediately begin managing the chatroom (including bans and invites).
  • Private messages, private chatrooms: turn a private message into a private chatroom by inviting other friends to the conversation. You can also rename your private chatrooms, making it easy to keep track of friends and teams… or just express yourself ;)
  • IRC integration: Many subreddits already have existing IRC chatrooms, and we want to help you keep all of your subreddit chat in one place. We’ve been working with Snoonet, which specifically serves the reddit community, and have set up a system that will let you link existing channels on Snoonet with OC channels. Users comfortable with IRC can stay part of the conversation using any client of their choice, while others can connect through OC.

It connects to our existing chat!

You can either use the new chat, or you can connect using your client of choice to #drama on, or you can use the old browser link.

Please note we will not integrating this with our IRC chat on Snoonet (but may in the future).