Mod suggestion for /u/chtucker18 : lolcow of epic proportions in the making

42  2016-05-28 by whereismysafespace_

Please mod him, please please please... Pretend like it's for diversity or like charity.

So here's a porn obsessed guy who likes to harass low level pornstars and camgirls online, and when called on his bullshit plays the "disability" card (sperg, of course).

Here he is trying to post a camgirl who told him off (for trying to get free time with her and resorting to harassment for it) and that creep posts the conversation on /r/creepyPMs (not because he gets he's being creepy, but because he thinks she's the creep for telling him to stop his bullshit and subsequent accusations of "ableism").

Here he is in facepalm accusing a pornstar of "harassment" after (wait for it) he harassed her. That awesome gentleman also calls her a "ableist" (far fetched but whatever), "beast" (wut?) and "bitch" (her job description).

But why would that creepy sperg be /r/drama worthy? Because whenever someone calls him on his bullshit on Reddit, he cries ableism and start (within minutes) a /r/worstof and then /r/shitredditsays post complaining.

Facepalm post

Worstof post

Srs post

And a previous one where he expressed how proud he was of having autism, and even some other aspies thought he was being TOO autistic.

Autism post, and I mean the subreddit, all his posts are autism posts anyway

Assholes post because another aspie did not play nice

Worstof after that