48  2016-05-31 by ameliabedelia823

Ok I'm not really sure if this is the right subreddit to post this to but I really need to vent about buzzfeed right now. So they just came out with this video called 13 Things Only Swimmers Understand. So I'm watching this video (honestly I don't even know why because I'm not a swimmer and I don't like buzzfeed but whatever) and of course it's got a bunch of crap I can't relate to at all because as I said before I'm not a swimmer but then in so many words they say HUNGER and TIREDNESS. Ok what? Only swimmers know what it's like to be hungry and tired? Is that what they're insinuating? I mean I'm fairly certain it is because the title is "13 things only swimmers understand". So I commented a smart ass sarcastic response saying that they're right because I as a non swimmer find beds to be unnecessary and uncomfortable and that I hate food. AND SOMEONE HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT IM THE IGNORANT ONE!?!?! EXCUSE YOU?! So swimmers know more about hunger and tiredness than the children of third world countries who are almost literally skin and bones? And I'm the ignorant one? Really?