Update on Gawker's desperate situation.

102  2016-06-04 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy

I posted previously on the situation.

tldr: Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker was funded by Pay-Pal co-founder Peter Thiel, whom Gawker outted as a ghey 10 years ago.

Where it gets even more interesting is how Gawker is doubling/tripling/quadrupling down on the situation.

After it was discovered that he was bankrolling the lawsuit, and after Nick Denton (gawker editor) wrote that hilariously stupid open letter to him Gawker has been posting hit pieces on Peter Thiel hoping to sway public opinion against him.

"Right-wing billionaire is on a mission to destroy gawker".

Peter Thiel said something in 1992.

A bawtist post about how Facebook (Peter Thiel is a shareholder there) is evil because they don't crucify Peter Thiel

Where the lulz come into the play are the comments - go read the comments on those stories - Even Gawker hates Gawker at this point and there is no end to the salt mine that is their comment sections.