/u/punkswcleankitchens and /r/forseti6 are the same person. A sad tale of creating an account to harass themselves :-(

42  2016-06-11 by [deleted]

My investigation into the Forseti's is still ongoing, until they are all named I won't stop. But here you go, a wonderful collection of evidence to show /u/Forseti6 and /u/punkswcleankitchens are exactly the same thing, I use thing because with this kind of character fucker, I have no idea what we're dealing with... Multiple personality disorder maybe? Who knows.

After downloading the /u/forseti6 post history I saw the activity was peaked between 7am-11am then from 2pm-8pm leading me to conclude that he was in fact European. The language used in such slang terms concluded British origin. So I went to work and then analysed some more. There were Americanisms not used in Britain and I remember using a common British phrase and he had no idea what I was saying. This lead me to a nocturnal North American, so from the algorithm matches I knocked out any non-North Americans. I checked activity against and managed to get just 29 matches to manually go through.

Yesterday I got suspicious 6 could possibly be punks after this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4ndtr2/apparently_the_forsetis_might_just_be_plants_from/d43gi6z

In the last paragraph Forseti mentions using Punks as a starting point, despite me never mentioning anything. It was minor but I kept it at the back of my mind since I didn't even have any suspicions.

I noticed a thread with punks in discussing the identity of Forseti's: http://imgur.com/3Uycrxr and this was a two way thing, if she was Forseti this would rustle some feathers, if not I might get some additional information to help, so I unlocked her and sent her a message: http://imgur.com/gevMlVG

One thing I noticed about 6 yesterday was the loaded "Yeah, so?" to whether punks was trans. Now for someone claiming to be anti-SJW a defensive "Yeah, So?" over whether someone is trans is very /r/anarchism: http://imgur.com/l5wORRp

Punks getting a message from some hot stud like myself begins a tirade claiming to have reported me to police for something, I dunno I've forgotten what for now. Anyway, notice how /u/Forseti6 hadn't been online at all until, woah Punks send her final message to me about it: http://imgur.com/0BzNbGH then Punks stops replying and /u/forseti takes over even posting a drama thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4nmqi0/sexy_anarchist_punkswcleankitchens_rats_out/

It may not seem overly suspicious that punks stopped replying, until I said this to Forseti: http://imgur.com/Xw8xYMs that punks and 6 only post interchangeably, which if you've ever had a 6 on your case after punks will know this is the case. After 6's reply below, suddenly Punks pipes up again within a minute with two new messages: http://imgur.com/gdA9UHH

Odd of her to only say anything after I point out they never post at the same time. However the thread has died down and now both are saying nothing. Anyway in my analysis of users only 2 matched activity this much.

Punks: http://snoopsnoo.com/u/punkswcleankitchens

Forseti6: http://snoopsnoo.com/u/Forseti6

See how 6 fits in well with Punks activity when you scroll to posts by hour, well that sort of means nothing considering Punks posts whenever until you see that little dip during lunch time. Seems these two have a similar naptime (Forseti's looks more active because he hasn't posted as much as her due to account not being old enough).

Anyway, I'm of a high degree of certainty (86%) they're the same person. I mean let's face it, Forseti6 likes punks, and only punks likes punks so that alone shows they're the same person.

Anouncement : Just to clear it up and stop all the shit, yes I'm dating /u/lovely_leah for realsies, we're all in love and stuff, and it has been going on a while. We're happy so deal with it