Jewdank forgot to log out of an account she was white knighting herself with, and accidentally replies to someone after writing a paragraph full of pure cringe

143  2016-06-30 by [deleted]

Just like past times she's gotten into fights here, this comment was posted by an account only a few minutes old. Along with sounding so over the top it could be a parody, no one else could be stupid enough to actually say something like that, never mind believe it:

I don't know what your problem is. I don't know who she is, i just stumbled onto this thread and decided to comment. You're bothering this beautiful young business-minded woman who's just trying to spread love on reddit and to her followers. Maybe if you just fucked off and stopped hating on her because she gets more attention than you you wuoldnt have to spend hours stalking her to feel good about yourself by putting pretty people down. shes a kind and genuine pperson thats defeending herself against some dorito chewing neckbeards that wish they could get a girl like her and you know it, don't try to kid youreslf otherwise. You chased her off the site for good I'm just glad she has a snapchat where you can get to know the real her without all of the hating.

A little while before that, /u/TheThng replied to one of /u/Jewdank's signature "Blocked. " comments where she pretends to block people and then continues arguing with them so clearly didn't. Someone responded to him, he replied "Excuse me, I was talking to m'lady", and they immediately deleted the comment. As you can see from the URL, the ID of the deleted comment was "d4tljm6".

Here's an archive straight from a reddit realtime API. At the beginning of the 4th line, "id":"d4tljm6", the comment that was deleted. Near the end of that line, "author":"peter488", the author of the comment was /u/peter488, the same "guy" who wrote the hilariously sad comment at the beginning of this post. The end of the third line has the full text of the comment, "body":"Blocked. ". She obviously thought she was replying with her main account, but forgot to log back into it, and when /u/TheThng replied pointing it out she realized her mistake and deleted the comment.

We've all known Jewdank's biggest (and probably only) fans are herself, but this time there's concrete proof that it's definitely her.